Perfectly Steeped Tea
A Flash Creation
A Flash Creation
Perfectly Steeped Tea is a flash experience that highlights the minute details of brewing and steeping tea. The goal was to inform and educate the viewer, in a fun and easy to understand way.
With simple navigation and intricate details in the illustration, the experience comes alive as the viewer clicks from tray to tray. With each tray customized for that type of tea, the visuals stay appealing and evoke curiosity.
Tea comsumption is second only to water consumption in the beverage industry. It spans across cultures all over the world. As such, understanding the craft and artistry behind the steeping was an interesting exploration.
I decided to take advantage of the free reign and focused on the illustration of the elements on each page. I wanted the experience to be delightful and evoke our natural curiosity to explore.
Click here to visit the live site (note: flash player is required).